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Case Management

Highlife Recovery offers a comprehensive and client-centered approach to mental health and addiction treatment, emphasizing the importance of case management in supporting individuals on their journey to recovery. We offer both case management for addiction treatment and CPST (community psychiatric supportive treatment). Our dedicated team of skilled case managers provides a vital link between clients and various community resources, ensuring personalized care and coordinated support. Through thorough assessment and ongoing collaboration, our case managers develop individualized treatment plans that address the unique needs and goals of each client. They serve as advocates, liaising with healthcare professionals, therapists, and support networks to ensure continuity of care and maximize positive outcomes. With their expertise in navigating complex systems, our case managers empower clients to access the resources and support they need to achieve sustainable recovery and lead fulfilling lives. 

What Our Clients Say

Highlife showed me the structure I needed in my life. Also the friends that I made there are my best friends today.

Bryan Draughon

When I went to Highlife, it provided the next, extended step I needed to learn how to live a sober life and to have an awesome community of people around you.

Eddie Serrano

Group therapy

Don't hesitate! Get help today and improve your quality of life!

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